Chelsea and Kevin sit down with professor and author, Shelly Tochluk, to talk about her latest book that she co-authored, Being White Today, identity development in the white community, what it looks like to be not a well-meaning white person, but to be actively Anti-Racist. This episode also dives into what allyship/being an accomplice can look like as a white person and how to get started when we feel anxious or sometimes even paralyzed by the fear of not “doing the right thing the right way.”
More about Shelly:
An educator, with a background in psychology, Shelly Tochluk is a professor at Mount Saint Mary’s University–Los Angeles. She is the author of Witnessing Whiteness: The Journey into Racial Awareness and Antiracist Action, Living in the Tension: The Quest for a Spiritualized Racial Justice, and co-author of Being White Today: A Roadmap for a Positive Antiracist Life. Shelly volunteers with AWARE-LA(Alliance of White Anti-Racists Everywhere-Los Angeles). She co-produces AWARE-LA’s 4-day Unmasking Whiteness Institute, which leads white people into a deeper understanding of their personal relationship to race and systemic racism.
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