When I was a kid I was desperate to be liked by people. I wanted to be liked so much that I couldn’t have even told you my favorite color because I wanted people to like me so badly that I would adopt theirs.
I’ve caught myself thinking so many times, well, when I’m older I won’t worry about this. I’ll stop thinking about what other people think of me. I’ll be able to relax. I won’t stress out as much about the small things. I will be more open to change and possibilities. Then I thought how sad it would be to wait to experience all of these things and beyond that, if I don’t start cultivating a space for those feelings, wants, desires, and needs to grow, who is to say that they will start to come with age.
It isn’t a given that as we get older we will get wiser. We may learn more, but it’s about what we do with that learning. We can wish until the cows come home that it didn’t matter so much what other people think, but I’ve caught people much older than me still worrying about those things…so why don’t we do something about it now?
There is an opportunity every day to give yourself a gift that you believe will just magically come to you with time. You don’t have to wait for it, you can give it to yourself today. You get to choose what’s important and what matters to you. If you want to stop caring about what other people think of you—you get to, starting right now. It is truly your choice. This is much harder done than said, I know, and it’s something I have a feeling I will be working on for a long time, but if I start now, maybe I’ll give myself a shot at having this gift sooner rather than later. Because we don’t have control over how other people perceive us. We can try our best to craft our image one way or another or do anything we can so that we can get others to see us the way we want them to, but ultimately they are going to see whatever it is that they want to see and the only person’s perception you have control over is your own and that’s great news.
You have control over how you feel about yourself. You get to decide how you feel about yourself and that’s a gift that you can have right now. So stop for a moment and remind yourself how incredible you are, how worthy you are, how beautiful you are. Spending so much time trying to be everyone’s cup of tea is exhausting…trust me, I’ve tried it and I’m tired. So instead ask yourself who you are, what makes you you, and start to fall in love with that person you are right now. There’s nothing special you need to do. You can just love yourself as you are.
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