When you’re a positive person and people rely on you for positivity it can sometimes feel like a failure when you start to feel sad, or angry or any kind of emotion that’s not associated with optimism. But the fact of the matter is, I’ve always had a stronger and healthier relationship with my emotions when I’ve allowed myself to experience a full spectrum of emotions. I was always so good at this and then somewhere along the way I became afraid of feeling those emotions and sometimes even guilty for feeling them when I have so much to be grateful for.
But let’s take a step back and recognize that we’re all human and experiencing every feeling that comes our way is part of our gift. So, instead of feeling crappy about feeling—let’s enjoy every aspect of our experience while we’re on this planet and if some of those moments are spent feeling sad, disappointed, angry or frustrated that is so wonderfully just how it is supposed to be.
None of these emotions will last forever, so let’s feel them all to the fullest while we have the ability to do so.
I love you, sweet friends. I’m here feeling all the feels right alongside you.
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