Watching my girl play our wedding song brings me so much joy, or is it happiness, no wait it’s joy…oy I don’t know anymore…
What is happiness and what is joy? I decided to really break it down for myself. People tend to think of me as a supremely happy person, which to an extent is true, but sometimes I feel like that doesn’t cover it for me. Outwardly I may appear simply happy, where inwardly I think there’s a lot more going on and to me happiness seems not to cover my entire internal emotional life.
So, I decided to turn to my journal and the google machine for some help in answering my questions about happiness, joy and how to interact with those two quantities in the world we live in right now which is so full of fear, anger and challenges.
I hope you have a joyful day my friends and that you find ways to access the joy within you. I love you. XOXOX, CAMDW
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