A friend reached out to me and asked if I could chat a bit about letting go of things that happened to you in your past. Woof. That is a tough one and I certainly don’t have it all figured out, but there are a couple of things that I have found that can make moving on a little simpler. A lot of it relies of being around people I can talk to (if you don’t have one of those, please always reach out to me via email through my contact page), gratitude for where you are now and a willingness to work through our own issues…also woof. Watch below for some tips and tricks. And more than anything my loves, remember to breathe. So many things can be solved with pausing for a moment and taking a very deep breath.
Happy Friday, friends. Take care of yourselves and have a wonderful weekend!! You are strong and wonderful humans and I am proud of you, so don’t give up now. You got this. You can conquer anything and you can be anything and if you can do those things you can certainly let go of anything bogging you down from your past. XOXOX, CAMDW
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