I have always been a “yes” person. I have a ton of trouble saying “no” to people, especially when there is a challenge involved. I love proving people wrong (not one of my cuter qualities), and I have a really hard time letting go when I have been offered a challenge whether consciously or unconsciously by someone else.
But I have learned in life that if we accept every single challenge we’re offered we are going to get tired sometimes and I want to give you the permission to say, “challenge not accepted.”
Every time you’re offered an opportunity or a challenge in life you get to make a choice and the choice is all yours and I want you to know that if you turn down that challenge or that opportunity there is no shame in that. There will be more opportunities. Always. The Universe will keep offering you opportunities so just keep looking out for them if you’re not in the mood to say yes to the one that’s directly in front of you.
This has been my fun new way of looking at things lately and I’ve found it takes so much of the pressure off of my decision making since I know more challenges and opportunities will continue to present themselves even if I don’t decide to take the one directly in front of me. And if you’re someone that doesn’t tend to take opportunities when they’re presented maybe now is a new chance to take the bull by the horns and go for it. Another day, another mindset shift.
You are worthy as you are, taking on more opportunities or choosing to wait for the next one to come along.
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