Kevin and Chelsea sit down with the founder of C-Suite Makeup to find out if beauty is really skin deep and it turns out makeup and skin care have a lot more influence on our self-worth than we might think. From how to pick out makeup that allows you to feel empowered to owning what your favorite parts of you are without apology, laugh along with Chelsea, Kevin, and Erin as they talk about all things cosmetics, family, food, and more.
More about Erin:
For 15 years Erin has had the pleasure of styling makeup for women throughout Southern California. After attending college at UCI she followed the “conservative” route and worked a number of corporate posts for 10 years. However encouraged and supported by colleagues whose makeup Erin had been doing for years, she took the plunge to set off on her own. Before she knew it Erin was styling makeup for debutantes, brides, and C-Suite level executives in the music and entertainment industry. Many of you hο»Ώave seen her work in national magazines, TV, and at The Oscars. All of Erin's clients have shared their frustration about knowing what makeup to buy and how to properly apply it., and so Erin developed C-Suite Makeup: designed specifically for today's modern woman who needs guidance as she navigates a confusing world of trends, products, and services that come between her and her real goal: looking like herself at her most confident!
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