TW//Gun Violence. Chelsea and Kevin talk with event producer, LGBTQ inspirational speaker, and survivor of the Pulse Nightclub shooting, Neema Bahrami about self-acceptance, the challenge labels present, especially ones like “survivor” that carry so much weight and what to do when labels you are given aren’t ones you identify with.
More about Neema:
Neema Bahrami is an event producer, survivor and LGBTQ inspirational speaker. His life has not been an easy journey. At a very young age, he became estranged from his family when they learned he was part of the LGBTQ community. As a confused teenager trying to find his place in the world, Neema turned to friends for support, even living on their sofas for a brief period of time.
Determined not to let his situation hold him back, Neema committed to becoming the best he could be. He began working 3 different jobs to make ends meet and get back on his feet. Always focused on the positive, when asked to look back at that pivotal time in his life, Neema laughingly says he simply convinced himself sleep was overrated and he persevered.
Since those early years, Neema has overcome tremendous obstacles to become a leading voice for the LGBTQ community. His is now driven by a passion for helping others learn to accept themselves and overcome their own personal tragedies.
Neema was the event manager the night of the tragic Pulse Nightclub mass shooting in 2016 in Orlando, Florida, during which 49 people were killed and more than 53 others were injured. Many were coworkers and close personal friends. Since that time, Neema has traveled the world, sharing his journey toward healing and speaking out about what he’s done to overcome the tragedy in his own life since that tragic night.
Instagram: @neemathehost
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