Chelsea and Kevin sit down with author, and founder of The Best Ever You Network, Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino to discuss how, why, and when people change and how we can motivate ourselves to change!
More about Elizabeth:
Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino is the founder of The Best Ever You Network and Chief Executive Officer of Compliance4. Through these companies, she has helped individuals and organizations around the world be their best and achieve world-class excellence with gratitude-based behavior and belief systems. She is one of America's foremost personal and corporate development consultants specializing in mindset, gratitude, facilitating change, and taking action.
Elizabeth is a Master Life Coach and the bestselling author of 8 books including the award-winning book Percolate – Let Your Best Self Filter Through (Hay House/Penguin Random House, April 4, 2014) and The Change Guidebook – How to Align Your Heart, Truths, and Energy to Find Success in All Areas of Your Life (HCI/Simon & Schuster, 4/5/22)
Elizabeth lives her daily life with multiple, life-threatening food allergies. Elizabeth and Sally Huss have co-authored three best-selling children's books: A Lesson For Every Child: Learning About Food Allergies, Self-Confident Sandy and Best Ever You.
Elizabeth is a member of the Forbes Business Council and serve as a leadership advisor for the Olympia Snowe Women's Leadership Institute.
Elizabeth and her husband, Peter R. Guarino, Esq., live in Maine with their four sons.
Change Guidebook Quiz:
Instagram: @elizabethguarino_official
Facebook: @ElizabethHamiltonG
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