Chelsea talks to Registered Dietician and Inclusive Wellness coach, Dalia Kinsey about feeling seen, working on really seeing other, getting comfortable with the uncomfortable, white supremacy, listening for understanding, activism and SO MUCH MORE! You can connect with Dalia via her website, connect with her on social media via her facebook group @decolonizingwellness, and listen to her podcast, Body Liberation for All on Apple Podcasts or Spotify and buy her book Decolonizing Wellness here! And don’t forget! If you pre-order Chelsea’s Book Inexplicably Me and either email her your receipt ( or post your receipt and tag her on social media (@chelseaaustinmdw on Instagram @thegirlwithfivenames on Facebook) to receive a personalized thank you, a bookmark, AND 25% off Chelsea’s Flip The Script course in 2022!
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