Kevin and Chelsea talk with personal finance experts and hosts of the Queer Money Podcast, John & David Auten-Schneider to talk about why it’s easier to talk about sex than money and some of the barriers the LGBTQ+ community experiences when it comes to financial well-being.
More about John & David:
After working in the pale, male and stale-run financial services industry and seeing their community constantly left out of the conversation they decided they wanted to help more folks in the LGBTQ+ community reach not only financial sustainability but to thrive financially.
Thriving financially is more than just making a lot of money. It's also using tools and tips that help us keep and grow the money we work so hard to earn.
Over the past 5+ years, they’ve published over 300 episodes of their podcast with notable guests such as Dominique Jackson of POSE, Gaby Dunn of BuzzFeed and author of Bad with Money, Patrick L. Riley, field producer for Oprah, Todd Sears of Outleadership and many more.
They break down often hard-to-understand money topics into easy-to-understand stories that highlight folks across the whole rainbow spectrum. Their goal is to see more queer folks reach financial freedom.
Podcast: The Queer Money Podcast
Motley Fool Study: LGBTQ+ Finance
Instagram: @queermoneypodcast
Twitter: @debtfreeguys
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