Sometimes following in others’ footsteps is exactly what you want and need to do and sometimes we get to be our own trailblazers. It’s totally your call, but maybe ask yourself this question first before moving forward:
Is it serving me to follow in someone else’s footsteps?
If no, amazing! Get out your weed whacker and blaze your own damn trail
If yes, awesome! Keep researching and following and growing, you got this!
Secret option 3…maybe we make a combo wombo out of the first two options?
We get to blaze our own trails when we want to and we get to follow someone else’s lead in order to help get us to the part with the machete. It’s all up to us, but I ask that you allow yourself the flexibility to know that you don’t have to do it exactly like someone else is because you’re your own person and that means what works for someone else may not work for you.
Happy day friends, I love you and wish you much flexibility in work and life and everything else. XOXOX, CAMDW
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