People talk about gratitude a lot, so much so that I think we get desensitized to it sometimes. But there is a reason that so many people are talking about it. It’s because gratitude is life-altering. From the time I was just an itty bitty baby, my Dads ingrained in me a sense of what it means to be grateful.
I was definitely spoiled as a child, and really, as an adult, I am, too. But my parents never bestowed anything upon me without making sure that I had an understanding that I should be grateful and why. Gratitude was a necessity in our household. I learned to be grateful for the tiniest things and the largest things and all the stuff that falls in-between. At night my Daddy would help me say my prayers and teach me to methodically remind myself of what I had to be grateful for.
Gratitude is a means of grounding yourself, especially in the crazy times we are living in now. I give out gratitude like candy. I would so much rather everyone know how grateful I am for them instead of hoping they know or being worried that it makes me seem silly that I say it so often. Connecting to gratitude is to connect to something bigger than you and me.
Happy day friends, I love you so much and I am very grateful for you. XOXOX, CAMDW
PS Happy Anniversary Baba. I love you to the sun and the moon and back and then some. Here is to many, many more.
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