Comparison is bad news bears. Comparison takes the joy that I am holding so delicately in my hand like the most perfect little flower and crushes it with a hammer the size of Venus. How do we cope with comparison? Why do we compare? I wake up in the morning and immediately it begins, the hammer starts to come down on my very own dreams.
Everything in my life seems to exist only as a means of comparison.
What I do is not great just because I did it, it is only great because it is better than what someone else did. How sick is that?
So, I asked myself a simple question. Does comparison makes my life better?
The short answer is: No.
Take a look at today’s video below to see what I mean and how I’ve found just one more way to make myself insane.
Happy Tuesday friends! No matter how you’re feeling or what you’re comparing. I get you and I hear you. Tell me all about your process and how these things make you feel! I want to know!! XOXOOX, CAMDW
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