I feel like the number one reason we get frustrated with people is because we either don’t take time to see things from their perspective, or conversely, they don’t take time to see things from ours.
I caught myself getting frustrated with my husband because he didn’t want to do things my way…pretty much marriage 101 of things not to get pissed about…but still I was letting the fact that we weren’t seeing things the same way get to me. Then I had to take a step back and see maybe how his way works for him, while my way works for me and neither of us is wrong.
It sounds simple. But it is something we forget to do all the time as a society. We cannot live as though our way is the only way—doing that would cut us off from beautiful people, experiences and more that we could be living if only we would open our minds to a different way of doing things.
Your experience is valid. So is the experience of any single person you run into. Sometimes we just need a reminder of that.
I wish you a beautiful day of doing the somewhat, sometimes exhausting work of understanding people and loving them regardless of them seeing things differently than you. I love you. XOXOX, CAMDW
PS I still think therapy is valuable for anyone and is something that can create a longer-term solution, but I do think we need to do what feels best for us in our hearts, whatever that is.
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