My goodness, it’s 2021. Good riddance. About damn time!!!
In the spirit of a new year, I have done a lot of soul searching in terms of what I can offer people and what I can bring to the table without feeling depleted at the end of the day and without over promising and underdelivering (one of my biggest pet peeves).
So, I’ve done a reevaluation on how I present myself and the words I use to convey that expression of myself because as my dear friend, Kim, always reminds me: words matter.
You don’t have to have a personal brand to think about how you want to present yourself to the world. You can start to look inward and see what you have to give and make sure you’re not over-extending yourself. It’s the first day of a new year and we’ve just been through one hell of a year. Let’s not start by already burying ourselves below expectations we don’t know that we can meet.
Have an amazing first day of a new year. I love you, happy new year!!! XOXO, CAMDW
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