When was the last time you consciously had fun? I mean, really, just unbridled joy and fun and enjoyment of something without feeling like you needed to earn it first.
So often I feel like I get sucked into the idea that I need to earn my fun. That once I’ve done a hard day’s work then I am allowed to have fun. But I also somehow am the one that’s deciding that that is the way it needs to be…so I can also decide that that is not the way it needs to be.
Go have fun for no reason, whether you feel you’ve earned it or not. We’ve discussed this before, but we will over and over and over until it settles in—there is no one way to do life, so there is also no one way that we are “allowed” to experience fun.
If it’s been a while since you’ve thought about what fun is for you take some time to brainstorm some fun activities, or call up a friend or family member and ask them to remind you what fun looks like for you. You’re not alone in not remembering. We get so caught up in all of the “have to’s” we sometimes forget the fun stuff that can happen both during and after, which can turn the “have to’s” into the “get to’s” or “love to’s” as my friend, Veronica once reminded me.
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