Little Chelsea says, “Please please breathe when things get tough!”
I have one solid reminder for you today and that is to please, please, please remember to BREATHE! When you aren’t breathing it is easy to start to panic and to start to stress about every little thing. I know that feeling so well. The feeling of an entire continent sitting on your chest. So, I am here to give you any permission you think you may need to breathe. Take a minute. Take a break.
If you’ve been stuck sitting inside all day working, walk around your space if you’re not comfortable walking outside and just inhale and exhale for a second. Give your mind room. Your mind is asking to do so much these days. It’s not only processing what it directly in front of it with work, family, friends, and more it is also trying to process a pandemic and unspeakable atrocities, so give yourself some space, okay? The world will not implode if you take a ten-minute break. (I used to think it would.)
You’ve got this. Keep breathing and when it feels like the world is ending breathe some more.
Happy day friends, hang in there. I love you. XOXO, CAMDW
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