Sometimes love is dignified. Sometimes love is silly. Sometimes love is the most fun in the world and sometimes love comes with challenges.
I adore all kinds of love. I would like to think I am fluent in all love language with the amount that loving other people brings me joy. I also know that sometimes while I get carried away loving other people I forget to circle back and love myself.
And I don’t think I’m the only one that does this. So while we are ferociously loving other people I also want us to make the decision to love ourselves without abandon because we are so worth loving. For every second of every minute of every day—from now until forever.
Take a vow to love yourself. We stand up and proclaim our love for someone else in a marriage, but when do we take the time to stand up and proclaim to the world that we are going to love and respect ourselves? This is a safe space to do just that. To take that vow to love yourself.
You can do it quietly in your journal, or you can take the vow with a friend, or you can shout it from the rooftops. Just please do it. For me. You deserve love. Every kind of love. Every single day and if you aren’t getting it from someone else please know it doesn’t mean you don’t deserve it. It means that they don’t understand your brand of love, but if you keep loving yourself those that do understand your brand of love will come. I promise. I am living proof.
Happy day friends, I am loving you big time. XOXOX, CAMDW
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